Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I am still doing book reviews. I know that it has been awhile but feel free to contact me!

I'm ashamed....

Well, I am a little ashamed for my self.

I have let my books sit and left them behind to go on with my normal life. I have gotten two to three emails wondering where I am at. Well, I am renewing my efforts! My little kiddies return to school and I will now have my free time returned to me! My husband is gone training for the Army for a while :(, while i am saddened, It does give me more time to write to take my mind off his being gone. So this is where I am at. I need help! Anyone! Some have noticed that I pulled Ana, my love off sale. I received my first negative review and I ran and hide for awhile. So I sucked up my pouting and I realized yes, my book does need work, so first I am changing the cover. I have a few in mind, but suggestions would be most welcome. The cover is to the side in the amazon ad. The second book is going to be coming out here soon and that title is going to be called : The Viscount's Predicament. So I was thinking: The Duke's Chance or something to along with each other. Also if anyone knows a proofreader and editor that would be awesome. I have went through this book like 5 times and still find stuff and apparently one reader likened me to a third grade writer. Anyway. I will make a promise to myself to get on here everyday and also on Absolute write, which is my favorite site! So yes, I will write more on something tomorrow, maybe remark about the weather. :)
