Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Missing In Action

Well, that has been me for the last month. I have been AWOL has my husband would call it. I have been writing, writing, and writing. It never ends! I am desperately hoping to have my new book released by the beginning of May! So wish me luck, only 10k words to go, hopefully. One never really knows these things until the work it completely done. I wanted to get say that I have received a few emails about my Autism book and I wanted to Thank those people for their very touching and heartfelt words. It gave me encouragement to know that I did the right thing by putting my story out there, so thank you, I am very touched and blessed that you guys thought so much to go through the trouble of emailing me. I hope to have the blossoming of new friendships! Well, now that people know I haven't disappeared, I am back to writing and hopefully be on here again real soon.

Stephanie Maddux